Wednesday 6 October 2010

CC & BCC ^_^

The Abbreviation CC in an email Message stands for carbon copy and BCC stands for blind carbon copy. The CC addressee is visible in the email, but the BCC is not. These are old terms that originated with the use of typewriters to type letters. To make a copy before photocopy machines, you had to use carbon paper. Carbon paper is thin paper with a dark coating on one side. You sandwich it between two pieces of paper with the coated side down. When you type on the paper sandwich, the coating on the carbon paper comes off on the bottom page, which becomes a carbon copy of the top page, the original. It is customary to put CC in the address part of the letter to let people know who received it. If you wanted to secretly send a copy of a letter to someone without telling the addressee, you asked your secretary to make a blind carbon copy, or BCC. 

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